
FIVE!  What the heck?

I truly love blog writing.  I really do.  This one is a product of deep thoughts I had late one night while taking a shower.  So here I am starting another blog, because I really feel like THIS is something I need in my life.  However, along with that feeling of certainty there is also this nagging feeling on oncoming failure.  I mean this is number five.   I also have reservations on my writing skill level and my ability to provide great content.  What will make this one different?  I guess only time will tell.

So here it is, the open invitation to what may become the 5th blog to settle into mediocrity or MAYBE this is the one.  The one that finally gives me the perfect outlet to share with the world (or at least friends and family) and be a tool that inspires, not only others, but myself.

Are you embarking on a new journey?  Or maybe traveling an old road again with some new shoes?  What do you think is the most important part of trying to find what you were meant to be?


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